Ted Bundy 2: The Killings Start
When me (Sherri) and my mom and sister were discussing starting this podcast, I told them I had two conditions: 1) my cat, Joseph, had to be somewhere on the podcast, hence, the meow and Mr. Joseph Productions and 2) we had to do a Ted Bundy episode. Well “an episode” turned into three. But I can guarantee you that this is a twist on Ted Bundy that you’ve not heard before on a podcast. Instead of focusing on Ted Bundy, we’re looking at the life of his long-term girlfriend, Elizabeth and how her addiction to Ted kept her hooked even after she suspected him of being THE Ted that was murdering young ladies across Washington, Oregon, Utah, and Colorado.
The many looks of Ted Bundy. He had an uncanny ability to change his appearance. I really don’t like putting his pictures next to his victims. Sleaze bag.
A sketch of “Ted” that Elizabeth saw. At first, she wasn’t concerned with the initial reports and sketches until someone mentioned that it looked like Ted.
Bundy’s victims (as far as we know) except the first one, Katherine Devine. In 2002, a DNA test eliminated Bundy as the killer.
Survivor, Cheryl Thomas.
Survivor, Karen Chandler
Survivor, Kathy Kleiner and former Sheriff Ken Katsaris.
Lake Sammamish where Bundy abducted and murdered two young ladies, Janice Ott and Denise Naslund. After he murdered them, he took Elizabeth out for burgers and ice cream. This really ramped up Elizabeth’s anxiety that he was a killer.
The infamous VW bug. At first, reports stated it was metallic, which Elizabeth knew his wasn’t. That was a relief to her that Ted was not THE Ted.
Ted told police, “I am the most cold-hearted son of a bitch you will ever meet.” He believed that guilt was a tool to manipulate others with. He also explained, “I don’t feel guilty for anything. I feel sorry for people who feel guilt.” Adding chillingly, “What’s one less person on the face of the earth, anyway?”