Ted Bundy 1: Addicted to Ted
When me (Sherri) and my mom and sister were discussing starting this podcast, I told them I had two conditions: 1) my cat, Joseph, had to be somewhere on the podcast, hence, the meow and Mr. Joseph Productions and 2) we had to do a Ted Bundy episode. Well “an episode” turned into three. But I can guarantee you that this is a twist on Ted Bundy that you’ve not heard before on a podcast. Instead of focusing on Ted Bundy, we’re looking at the life of his long-term girlfriend, Elizabeth and how her addiction to Ted kept her hooked even after she suspected him of being THE Ted that was murdering young ladies across Washington, Oregon, Utah, and Colorado.
Ted, Elizabeth, and Molly on a family visit in Ogden, UT 1970, supposedly before he started killing.
At this point Elizabeth had checked with police in two jurisdictions and Ted was cleared.
Ted and Elizabeth’s daughter, Molly, at Elizabeth’s parents house for Christmas. Molly wasn’t” sure how to handle the uncomfortable touching.”
At this point, Ted had already started killing women. Elizabeth suspected him.