I Do Not Trust Him Part 2
Written By Sherri Wilson
This case is unbelievable and still unsolved! It’s the case of Susan Powell, a young mother who disappeared and still has never been found. It’s the story of a pervert father-in-law, a poop bird husband, and two young boys who did not have to die. Warning: this case is disturbing. It will make you mad. And there are more twists and turns in it than any case we’ve done so far. We’ve extracted lots of red flags and clues that will hopefully help others if they ever find themselves in a dangerous relationship.
Josh and Susan Powell (Copy)
Powell Wedding (Copy)
Powell Family Picture (Copy)
Josh and the Boys (Copy)
Susan and her boys (Copy)
The Powells (Copy)
Steven Powell arrest photo (Copy)
Steven Powell Court (Copy)
Josh and the Boys (Copy)
Boys with Susan's dad (Copy)
Boys with Susan's dad (Copy)
Susan's Boys (Copy)
Crime scene (Copy)
Crime scene (Copy)
Crime scene (Copy)
Gas can Josh used (Copy)
Michael Powell (Copy)