This season’s After Show Convo topics!


Other Suspects & Assassination:

In this first After Show Convo, the mom and daughter duo team up to look at two other suspects in the killing of Viktor Gunnarson. But the twists don’t stop there. Viktor was a suspect himself in the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister. He immigrated to the US to get away from the harassment only to be murdered himself!


Matthew Vaca: The Anti-Trust Bias

If you listened to the outline of Matthew Vaca and his murder of Liz and attempted murder of Brandi, you probably agree that it could have been totally avoided if the young girls had been equipped with some “judicious skepticism to filter kindness and goodness through. Learn what I call an “Anti-trust Bias” to protect yourself!


Dirty John 1: Coercive Control

Coercive control is defined as “a strategic form of ongoing oppression and terrorism used to install fear.” In England and Wales, it is illegal. Unfortunately, it isn’t in the US, yet. Debra Newell along with others are educating others and trying to get legislation passed in order to protect women from this subtle form of abuse. Learn how John Meehan used coercive control and the 12 signs of coercive control.


Dirty John 2: Terra and EMDR

After John Meehan attacked Terra and died, Terra said that her life changed drastically. She thought she was going crazy and thought it was better if he had killed her, classic symptoms of PTSD. She was greatly helped by a therapy called EMDR. Learn what Terra is doing now and about this great therapy to help those with traumatic memories!


Ted & Molly

Molly has a story to share, too, about good ole Ted. And it is a miracle that he didn’t molest her or kill her and her mother. In this After Show Convo, Molly shares her story of the time she saw “something dangerous” in Ted’s eyes. You’ll also learn what was in the last letter from Ted to her mother (that she burned).


Did Bundy Kill Ann Burr?

Many of us true crime buffs as well as some experts don’t believe that Bundy first started killing in 1974. In fact, the disappearance of eight-year-old Ann Burr in the early morning hours of August 31, 1961 is possibly the first murder committed by a then 14-year-old Ted. The intriguing connection and his confession of a “hypothetical first murder” makes him look good for this one. We also dive into the most mysterious of Bundy’s murders—Caryn Campbell at the Wildwood Inn. Oh and don’t forget the knives little toddler Teddy put around his aunt while she napped.


Ted Bundy: Really Weird Stuff

In this final Bundy After Show Convo, we dive into his childhood. Bundy tried to convince us that his childhood was normal. It was anything but. And it gives us clues into what fed into his psychopathy while not excusing his extreme evil. You’ll learn of his early violent behavior and sexual deviance as a teenager, why he engaged in necrophilia, and other weird things like his fetish and a haunted house.


Israel Keyes: An Interview

In this After Show Convo, we have a special guest that shares her memories of living in Anchorage at the time of Samantha Koenig’s kidnapping and murder plus we dive into the question of why we are so fascinated with true crime and serial killers?


Why Are We So Fascinated with Serial Killers?

In this After Show Convo, we have a special guest that shares her memories of living in Anchorage at the time of Samantha Koenig’s kidnapping and murder plus we dive into the question of why we are so fascinated with true crime and serial killers?


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